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en:hiq_home:hiq_home [2020/07/07 11:54] devid.palcicen:hiq_home:hiq_home [2020/11/09 19:17] (current) devid.palcic
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 HIQ is a system of integrated devices and software used for efficient, simple and logical building and home automation. HIQ is a system of integrated devices and software used for efficient, simple and logical building and home automation.
 The primary function of HIQ is the control and management of all devices, appliances and services, such as lights, blinds, heating, ventilation and cooling, security and safety. Furthermore HIQ enables advanced functions, such as energy management, surveillance system, comfort management, and others. The primary function of HIQ is the control and management of all devices, appliances and services, such as lights, blinds, heating, ventilation and cooling, security and safety. Furthermore HIQ enables advanced functions, such as energy management, surveillance system, comfort management, and others.
-Although the basic concept of HIQ is simple, the possibility to extend current capabilities or add new ones is unlimited. +We developed HIQ to be simple and reliablewith unlimited expansion and extension capability.
en/hiq_home/hiq_home.1594122872.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/07 11:54 by devid.palcic