====== Manual HC-IQ detect ====== Run HIQ Configurator and in "System" page check for which HC-IQ is configured. {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:configurator:hiq_configurator_-_address.png?direct&300|}} Above example is for HC-IQ with serial number 1000. Find your HC-IQ serial number (sticker on top of HC-IQ - 15789 in following example). {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:configurator:hc-iq_sn.png?direct&300|}} Find and open in your preferred text editor "//CyBroMiniScada.xml//" HIQ Configurator configuration file. It is usually in "C:\Program Files (x86)\HIQ Configurator\" folder. **Replace all** occurrences of c[old_S/N] with c[new_S/N] (c1000 with c15789 for our example). {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:configurator:find-replace.png?direct&300|}}