~~NOTOC~~ ===== Firmware ===== ==== HC-IQ FW update ==== |<800px 50% 30% 20% >| | Download and save CyPro IDE || {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cypro.exe|CyPro 2}} (v2.8.0 - for HC-IQ) or \\ {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cypro-v3.2.2c.exe |Cypro 3}} (v3.2.2c - for Cybro-3 and MC) | | Run and install it || ::: | | Download and open project || {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:hc-iq-v1216.cyp|}} (v1.2.16 - for HC-IQ) or \\ {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:hc-iq-v615a.cyp|}} (v6.1.5a - for Cybro-3 and MC) | | Find Home Controller NAD (sticker on top or on side of HC / MC) || {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:hc-nad.jpg?direct&200|}} | | Select Home Controller | right click on NAD | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cypro_add_nad_1.png?direct&200 |}} | | Enter NAD | ::: | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cypro_add_nad_2.png?direct&200 |}} | | If HC does not have the latest Kernel you have to send a new one.| Tools -> Kernel maintenance... | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:kernel.jpg?direct&200|}} | | Send kernel to HC-IQ. | Select [Send] and then [Close] | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:kernel_maintenance.jpg?direct&200|}} | | Send Program | Program -> Send [F9] | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:send_fw_to_hc.png?direct&200|}} | | Start PLC program | Program -> Start PLC [F11] | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:run_hc.png?direct&200|}} | ==== HIQ-DC FW update ==== |<800px 50% 30% 20% >| | Download and unzip CybroIEXManager || {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cybroiexmanager.zip|CyBroIexManager}} | | Download and unzip Device Controller FWs || {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:firmware.zip}} | | Start CybroIEXManager.exe || {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cybroiexmanager_main.png?direct&200|}} | | Scan for Home controller | [Scan] | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cybroiexmanager_scan_hc.png?direct&200|}} | | Select Home Controller (NAD number - sticker on top of HC) || {{hiq_hardware:cybroiexmanager_scan_dc.png?direct&200|}} | | Scan for connected IEX Device Controllers | [Scan IEX] | ::: | | For each connected device type open HIQ-DC FW.\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ There can be several hardware versions.\\ Hardware version is marked on the device\\ or on the PCB board. Check [[en:hiq_home:methods:commissioning:firmware:compatibility|firmware compatibility]].\\ Versions not listed there are not\\ compatible and should not be used. | [Open] | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cybroiexmanager_open_fw.png?direct&200|}}\\ {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:hw_version.jpg?direct&200|}} | | Send Firmware to HIQ-DC | [Send] | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:cybroiexmanager_send_fw.png?direct&200|}} | \\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==== HIQ applications ==== Windows applications are in [[en:hiq_home:download|download folder]].\\ \\ Apple:\\ [[https://itunes.apple.com/si/app/hiq-commander/id1073060359?mt=8/|{{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:apple_app_store.png?nolink&300|}}]] \\ \\ Android:\\ [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cybroiqcommander|{{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:google_play.png?nolink&300|}}]]\\ \\ --------------------- {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:hiq_manual.pdf|}}\\