====== HIQ Universe ======
**cloud service for internet access**
[[https://my.hiq-home.com|HIQ Universe]]
===== Create HIQ Universe account =====
{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:universe:hiq_universe_login.png?direct |}}
**Go to HIQ Universe: [[https://my.hiq-home.com|HIQ Universe]]**
{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:universe:hiq_universe_create.png?direct |}}
**Create and log in into account**
===== Add controller to HIQ Universe =====
{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:universe:hiq_universe_add_controller_nad.png?direct |}}
**Get Controller serial number**
Open HIQ Configurator. Controller serial number is under "Autodetect" button on "System" page.
{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:universe:hiq_universe_add_controller_autentication.png?direct |}}
**Enable internet access and get authentication code**
{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:universe:hiq_universe_add_controller.png?direct |}}
**Add HIQ controller**
{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:universe:hiq_universe_controllers.png?direct |}}
**Check controller status**
===== Connect HIQ Commander through HIQ Universe =====
|{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:commander:screenshot_20170322-123509.png?380&direct |}}|
**Download and install HIQ Commander**
On smartphone (Android or iOS) go to PlayStore or App Store.
Find and install HIQ Configurator app.
|{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:commander:screenshot_20170322-123641.png?380&direct |}}|
**Set HIQ Commander permissions**
Go to "Settings - Apps"
Find and select "HIQ Commander"
Click on "Permissions"
Enable all App permissions.
|{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:commander:screenshot_20170322-123532.png?380&direct |}}|
**Run HIQ Commander and Autodetect HIQ System**
HIQ system must be already configured/[[en:hiq_home:methods:commissioning|commisioned]].\\
HC and your smartphone must be in the same local LAN/WiFi network and this network must be connected to the internet.\\
Other data connections (i.e. Mobile data) must be disabled.
|{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:commander:screenshot_20170322-123703.png?380&direct |}}|
**Accept detected system**
Set location: used to calculate sunrise and sunset directly in HIQ Controller.
Set time and date: synchronize HIQ Controller time and date with smartphone.
Enable internet access: HIQ controller can be controlled from everywhere through HIQ Universe.\\
Select "Disable" if any of the services is not available on your device, otherwise Autodetect will not be possible.
|{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:commander:screenshot_20170322-123723.png?380&direct |}}|
**HIQ Configurator is set to work through HIQ Universe when you are not at home**
|{{ hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:sw:commander:screenshot_20161207-153416.png?380&direct |}}|
**You can change connection mode later**
Press three lines on upper right corner and select "Settings"