====== LCS Devices wiring ======
===== Discrete (on/off) & Dimmable lights =====
Individual lights (or hard-wired light groups) are wired directly to the distribution box with an appropriate wire gauge (usually 3 × 1,5 mm2).
===== Push-button flush boxes are wired: =====
- directly to the distribution box with signal wires. One wire for each push-button and one common wire (for 3 push-buttons: 4 × 0,5 mm2). Push buttons that are controlling same light are connected to the same input in parallel
- directly to the distribution box with Cat5+ cable. Up to four buttons on one Cat5+ cable. One core wire for each push-button and one twisted pair for common (for 4 push-buttons: Cat 5+2). Push buttons that are controlling same light are connected to the same input in parallel.
===== Motion sensors are wired: =====
- directly to the distribution box with signal wires. One wire for each sensor and one common wire (for 3 push-buttons: 4 × 0,5 mm2). Sensors that are controlling same light are connected to the same input in parallel.
- directly to the distribution box with Cat5+ cable. Up to four sensors on one Cat5+ cable. One core wire for each sensor, one twisted pair for +24 VDC power supply and one twisted pair for 0 VDC (ground) power supply (for 4 sensors: Cat 5+2). Sensors that are controlling same light are connected to the same input in parallel.
More sensors can be used for the same light.
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^ Light | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:methods:wiring:light_wiring.png?nolink|}} |
^ Dimmable light | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:methods:wiring:dimm_light_wiring.png?nolink|}} |
^ Push-button | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:methods:wiring:pushbutton_wiring.png?nolink|}} |
^ Door / window \\ reed sensor | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:methods:wiring:reed_wiring.png?nolink|}} |
^ PIR motion sensor | {{:en:ms_main:motion_sensor_wiring.png?600|}} |
^ Light sensor | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:methods:wiring:sensor_wiring.png?nolink|}} |
===== DALI dimmable lights =====
All light ballasts are wired to DALI bus with an appropriate wire gauge (usually 5 × 1,5 mm2)
Push-button flush boxes are wired directly to the distribution box with signal wires. One wire for each push-button and one common wire (for 3 push-buttons: 4 × 0,5 mm2)
Sensors are wired directly to the distribution box. More sensors can be used for the same light. Presence sensors must be wired in **parallel**, read sensors in **series**.
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^ DALI Light | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:methods:wiring:dali_light_wiring.png?nolink|}} |
===== Field modules =====
Applies to:
* Light controller
* LD-V4-IQ
* Scene controllers
* SC-4T-IQ
* SC-4O-IQ
* SC-4S-IQ
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^ IEX2 bus | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:methods:wiring:iex2_wiring.png?nolink|}} |
All field modules are connected to the IEX bus with 2 x 2 x 0,8 mm2 cable.
Some devices controlled by Field modules needs additional power supply:
* LD-V4-IQ need LED power supply; 12 or 24V DC depending of LED stripe type
* FC-1-IQ need fan-coil motor and valve power supply; see fan-coil documentation - usually 230V AC
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^ LED stripe | {{hiq_building_automation:hiq_home:methods:wiring:led_rgb_wiring.png?nolink|!! }} |