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Adapting CyBro PLC application to HIQ commander

HIQ commander can be used without HIQ HW and FW, simply by using variables recognized by HIQ commander in custom CyPro project.

Custom CyPro project demo


condition program_id=3

I'm home

condition none
object Manual presence indicator
id p00
name “I'm home”
description “/”
variable toggle presence_indicator r/w; 0=off, 1=on
parameters /

On / Off

condition lc00_general_error=0 (lc00..lc09)
object 10x light
id l00..l99
name “Light 00”..“Light 99”
description “Lights on/off control”
variable toggle lc00_qx00 lc00..lc09, qx00..qx09; r/w; 0-off, 1-on
parameters /


condition ld00_general_error=0 & ld00_rgb_mode=0 (ld00..ld09)
object 4x dimmer
id d00..d39
name “Dimmer 0”..“Dimmer 39”
description “On/off and lightness control”
variable toggle ld00_qx00 ld00..ld09, qx00..qx03; r/w; 0=off, 1=on
slider ld00_qw00 ld00..ld09, qw00..qw03; r/w; 0=min, 100=max
parameters /

RGB Dimmer

condition ld00_general_error=0 & ld00_rgb_mode=1 (ld00..ld09)
object 3x dimmer
id r00..r29
name “RGB brightness”
description “RGB brightness and on/off”
variable toggle ld00_qx00 ld00..ld09, qx00..qx03; r/w; 0=off, 1=on
slider ld00_qw00 ld00..ld09, qw00..qw03; r/w; 0=min, 100=max
name “RGB hue”
description “RGB color control”
variable toggle ld00_qw01 ld00..ld09; r/w; 0–>16–>33–>50–>66–>83–>100–>0
slider ld00_qw01 ld00..ld09; r/w; range 0..100, step 1
name “RGB saturation”
description “RGB saturation: 0..50-white mode, 50..100-color saturation”
variable toggle ld00_qw02 ld00..ld09; r/w; 0–>25–>50–>75–>100–>0
slider ld00_qw02 ld00..ld09; r/w; range 0..100, step 1
parameters color wheel ld00_color_wheel ld00..ld09; r/w; 0-rgb mode, 1-white temperature
ld00_config_req ld00..ld09; w/o; 1-request to set color wheel
color cycling ld00_color_cycling_enable r/w; 0-off, 1-on
evo light evo_light_enable r/w; 0-off, 1-on


condition bc00_general_error=0 (bc00..bc09)
object 5x blinds
id b00..b49
name “Blinds 00”..“Blinds 49”
description “Blinds position control”
variable toggle bc00_qxs00_up, bc00_qxs00_dn bc00..bc09, qxs00..qxs04; r/o; 0-stopped, 1-moving
slider bc00_blinds_setpoint_00 bc00..bc09, index 00..04; r/w; -2=toggle move/stop, -1=stop, 0=top, 100=bottom
parameters /


condition none
object 10x scene
id s00..s09
name “Scene”
description “Scene apply and memorize.”
variable toggle current_scene[0] index 0..9; r/o; -1=not defined, 0=off, 1=on
set global_scene_request w/o; -1=idle, 0..31=scene number
memorize global_memory_request w/o; -1=idle, 0..31=scene number
parameters scene number internal 0..31=scene number


condition none
object alarm
id a00
name “Alarm”
description “Burglar alarm with 4 zones.”
variable state alarm_state r/o; 0=off, 1=arming, 2=armed, 3=activating, 4=active, 5=expired
toggle request alarm_onoff_req w/o; 1=request to toggle on/off
arming counter alarm_arming_counter r/o; countdown to 0
delay counter alarm_delay_counter r/o; countdown to 0
active counter alarm_active_counter r/o; countdown to 0
parameters zone enable alarm_zone_enable[0] index 0..3; r/w; 0=disabled, 1=enabled


condition th00_general_error=0 (th00..th09)
object thermostat
id t00
name “Thermostat 0”
description “Temperature and fan settings”
variable active th00_active r/w; 0=idle, 1=active
setpoint th00_setpoint r/w; Main setpoint [*0.1°C], used when thermostat is active.
temperature th00_temperature r/o; Measured temperature (internal, external or remote) [*0.1°C]. Measurement is adjusted for given offset.
humidity th00_humidity r/o; Measured relative humidity (0..100%rh).
fan limit th00_fan_limit r/w; Fan speed limit: 0-off (0), 1-auto 1 (0/1), 2-auto 2 (0/1/2), 3-auto 3 (0/1/2/3), 4-max (3).
parameters setpoint limits th00_setpoint_lo r/o; Setpoint low limit [*0.1°C]. Valid for both local and remote adjustment.
th00_setpoint_hi r/o; Setpoint high limit [*0.1°C]. Valid for both local and remote adjustment.
fan options th00_fan_options r/o; Available fan options: b0-off (0), b1-auto 1 (0/1), b2-auto 2 (0/1/2), b3-auto 3 (0/1/2/3), b4-max (3).
mode hvac_mode r/o; Hvac mode: 0-off, 1-heating, 2-cooling.