Table of Contents

HIQ Advanced Features


Scenes are used to quickly set affected devices to predefined state. A scene can be set with the Scene Controller or from the HIQ application.

Scenes are user-defined memory that include lights, dimmers and blinds. Each output is either defined by the scene (on/off, lightness and position), or not affected.

Scenes may be defined by the Scene Controller (long press will remember actual state of affected devices in scene memory), or by the HIQ Configurator (graphical scene editor).

User Interfaces

Local control

Devices can be controlled by locally installed push-buttons or by local panels (scene, thermostat).

HIQ Applications

HIQ applications allow device management and set-up of HIQ controllers.


Special events which are performed automatically. Events are based on HIQ Commander application, which must be installed on user smartphone.

Coming home
Let your house show how happy it is when you come back home! When your smartphone connects to your WI-FI network, heating and lights will turn on automatically.
Leaving home
When you leave the house, the smartphone disconnects from home WI-FI network, and few minutes later system will turn heating and lights off.
Comfort wake up
Wake up to a warm or cool house. The system will turn on the heating/cooling a predefined number of minutes before smartphone alarm rings, whenever you set the alarm.
Sunny wake up
Wake up naturally, by slowly lifting the blinds and letting the light soften your sleep a predefined number of minutes before smartphone alarm rings.
Smart lights
In the evening hours, when sunlight goes down, automatically set an evening scene which turns on the lights and lowers the blinds. This only works when tenants are at home.
Random lights
When nobody is at home, prevent burglary by a simple deception: turn lights on and off to leave an impression that the house is not empty.
Default setpoint
When active, manual setpoint adjustment is valid for about half an hour, then it returns to the predefined optimal temperature.
Bio offset
Following your natural biological rhythm (chronotype), let the house be just a little warmer at a specified time of the day, morning or evening… or both.
Connect charger
Charge your smartphone every single night? Use the action of connecting the charger to automatically turn heating and lights off.
Disconnect charger
Smartphone is charged until morning, right? Use the action of disconnecting the charger to automatically turn heating and lights on.
Call notification
When you receive a call, selected light will turn on and off a couple of times, to get your attention when phone is away or silenced.
Text notification
When you receive a text message, selected light will turn on and off a couple of times, to get your attention when phone is away or silenced.

Custom functionality

Any project custom functionality can be easy implemented using standard and free tools.

Home controller

HC-IQ can be custom programed in ST (Structured Text) language using free CyPro IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

GUI - Graphical User Interface

GUI myHIQ is easy configured in xml definition file and using custom png images.