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TGP driver

TGP-4A-0X-IQ & TGP-7A-01-IQ programing & CyBro communication driver

VisualTFT quick guide

SW & examples download:

TGP development SW VisualTFT
TGP-A-0X-IQ example project
TP-A-W-IQ example project Example project
TGP-7A-01-IQ example project

Starting new TP project

  • Start VisualTFT
  • menu: File → New Project

  • in “New Project” dialog set:
    • Project name and Path
    • Select Device Type according following table
Robotina code VisualTFT Device Type
Series Type Resolution
TP-A-B-IQ M Serial DC48480M040 480 × 480 px
TP-A-W-IQ IOT DC48480W040 480 × 480 px
TGP-7A-01-IQ IOT DC10600PW070 1024 × 600 px

TP Project Settings

Connecting TP

1st time connection

After successful connection TP should beep.

Connection after TP is configured

Uploading project to TP

Compile and verify project

Load to panel

Load dialog is not translated to English :-(

Configuring TP panel

TP screens examples

Screen ID: 00

ID type description
1 button previous screen
2 button home screen
3 button next screen
10 button toggle controlled device
11 icon controlled device icon
12 message controlled device name

Screen ID: 01

ID type description
1 button previous screen
2 button home screen
3 button next screen
10 button up controlled device
11 button down controlled device
12 message controlled device name
13 icon controlled device icon

Screen ID: 02

ID type description
1 button previous screen
2 button home screen
3 button next screen
11 button toggle controlled device 1
13 icon controlled device 1 icon
15 message controlled device 1 name
21 button toggle controlled device 2
23 icon controlled device 2 icon
25 message controlled device 2 name
31 button toggle controlled device 3
33 icon controlled device 3 icon
35 message controlled device 3 name
41 button toggle controlled device 4
43 icon controlled device 4 icon
45 message controlled device 4 name

Screen ID: 03

ID type description
1 button previous screen
2 button home screen
3 button next screen
11 button up controlled device 1
12 button down controlled device 1
13 icon controlled device 1 icon
15 message controlled device 1 name
21 button up controlled device 2
22 button down controlled device 2
23 icon controlled device 2 icon
25 message controlled device 2 name
31 button up controlled device 3
32 button down controlled device 3
33 icon controlled device 3 icon
35 message controlled device 3 name
41 button up controlled device 4
42 button down controlled device 4
43 icon controlled device 4 icon
45 message controlled device 4 name

Screen ID: 04

ID type description
1 button previous screen
2 button home screen
3 button next screen
11 button toggle controlled device 1
13 icon controlled device 1 icon
15 message controlled device 1 name
21 button toggle controlled device 2
23 icon controlled device 2 icon
25 message controlled device 2 name
31 button toggle controlled device 3
33 icon controlled device 3 icon
35 message controlled device 3 name
41 button toggle controlled device 4
43 icon controlled device 4 icon
45 message controlled device 4 name
51 button toggle controlled device 5
53 icon controlled device 5 icon
55 message controlled device 5 name
61 button toggle controlled device 6
63 icon controlled device 6 icon
65 message controlled device 6 name

Screen ID: 05

ID type description
1 button previous screen
2 button home screen
3 button next screen
11 button up controlled device 1
12 button down controlled device 1
13 icon controlled device 1 icon
15 message controlled device 1 name
21 button up controlled device 2
22 button down controlled device 2
23 icon controlled device 2 icon
25 message controlled device 2 name
31 button up controlled device 3
32 button down controlled device 3
33 icon controlled device 3 icon
35 message controlled device 3 name
41 button up controlled device 4
42 button down controlled device 4
43 icon controlled device 4 icon
45 message controlled device 4 name
51 button up controlled device 5
52 button down controlled device 5
53 icon controlled device 5 icon
55 message controlled device 5 name
61 button up controlled device 6
62 button down controlled device 6
63 icon controlled device 6 icon
65 message controlled device 6 name

Screen ID: 06

ID type description
1 button previous screen
2 button home screen
3 button next screen
10 picture HVAC settings frame
11 icon HVAC fan limits
12 message HVAC setpoint degrees
13 message HVAC setpoint decimals and units
21 button HVAC fan limit increment
22 button HVAC fan limit decrement
23 picture HVAC fan icon
31 button HVAC setpoint increment
32 button HVAC setpoint decrement
33 icon HVAC mode (heating/cooling)

Screen ID: 07

ID type description
1 picture Room number frame
2 icon Room state icon (idle/DND/MUR)
3 icon Door-bell icon (disabled/enabled/ringing)
4 picture Code keypad
5 QCode Room QR code
10 message Room number
10 button toggle controlled device
11 icon controlled device icon
12 message controlled device name
20 picture Room state frame
21 button Door-bell button
22 button Code keypad button

Screen ID: 08

ID type description
4 button Cancel button
5 button OK button
10-19 button 0-9 button
20-29 message 0-9 text
30 message Code
60 picture Code frame

Controlled devices icons

Scene off
Scene on
Light off
Light off
Blinds idle
Blinds up
Blinds down
Fan off
Fan 1
Fan 2
Fan 3
DND idle
DND active
MUR idle
MUR active
Backlight off
Backlight 0n
Alarm off
Alarm on
Alarm ringing

HVAC fan limits icons

Fan off
Fan limit 1
Fan limit 2
Fan limit 3

HVAC fan icon

Fan button

HVAC mode icons


Room mode icon

DND active
MUR active

Door-bell icons

Doorbell disabled
Doorbell idle
Doorbell ringing

Code keypad icons

Code keypad off
Code keypad on

CyPro TP driver

TP driver variables

direction var description value
TP → PLC tpanel_event TP events (button press, button release, screen change, …) ppssooee
PLC → TP tpanel_beep_req TP beep request pptttt
tpanel_screen_req TP screen request ppss
tpanel_backlight_req TP backlight request ppbbb
tpanel_icon_req set TP icon request ppssooii
tpanel_txt[0..19] TP text char
tpanel_txt_req set TP text request ppssoo

Value legend:

pp panel TP RS485 address
ss screen TP Screen ID
oo object TP object (button, icon) ID
ee event TP object event:
- 01: pressed (fp)
- 00: released (fn)
- 09: screen change
tttt time Beep time in 10*ms (1-255)
ii icon TP Icon index
bbb backlight Backlight 0-255 (0=max)
en/ms_main/tgp.1624735212.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/26 19:20 by marjan_strnad