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Single phase power-meter

Single phase power-meter

Model number: PM1-E-D
Mounting: DIN rail, 1M, 18 mm
Dimensions: 18 × 62 × 119 mm
Used for measuring power and energy of
single-phase energy sources
single-phase energy consumers


  • Digital multi-function energy meter for single phase networks


  • DIN rail mounting with direct connection up to 45A
  • Compact design in a single module 18mm wide
  • Seal-able cover(phase and neutral terminals)

General description

The PM1-E-D series is an advanced single phase energy monitoring solution with built-in configuration push button and LCD data displaying, particularly indicated for active energy and other parameters metering and for cost allocation. Housing for DIN-rail mounting,IP51 protection degree, direct connection up to max 45A.

Technical specifications

Nominal voltage(Un) 230 VAC
Operational voltage 176-276 V
Insulation capabilities
- AC voltage withstand 4 KV for 1 minute
- Impulse voltage withstand 6 kV-1.2 µS
Basic current (Ib) 5 A
Maximum rated current (Imax) 45 A
Operational current range 0.4% Ib-Imax
Over current withstand 20 Imax for 0.01 s
Operational frequency range 50 or 60 Hz
Internal power consumption ≤ 2 W/10 VA
Communication type RS485(half-duplex)
Communication protocol Modbus RTU
Pulse output 1 configurable
Pulse output 2 1000 imp/kWh
Max reading 99999.9 kWh

SDM120 Terminals

PM1-E-D Power source
Phase IN L↑ 1 L
Neutral N 4 N
PM1-E-D Power consumer
Phase OUT L↓ 2 L
RS485 8 C GND
9 B Tx/T-
10 A Rx/T+

PM1-E-D user manual

PM1-E-D Modbus protocol

en/goflex_hems/hardware/pm1-e-d.1538746350.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/05 13:32 by goran.kocjancic