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Three phase power sensor

3-phase power-sensor

Model number: PM3-E-D
Connect to: MC-230
RS485 power sensor bus A - B
Mounting: DIN rail, 1M, 18 mm
Dimensions: 66 × 72 × 100 mm
Used for measuring power and energy of
single/three-phase energy sources
single/three-phase energy consumers


  • Digital multi-function power sensor for single/three phase networks


  • DIN rail mounting
  • Three Phase 100A Direct Fed
  • Accuracy Class 0.5 (Active Energy)
  • Bi-directlonal Measurement for kW and kWh
  • Configurable Pulsed output (Import/ Export/Nett kWh)
  • Line Frequency
  • Power, maximum power demand and power factor
  • Active energy imported and exported
  • Reactive energy imported and exported
  • Supported Modbus (SDM630Modbus)

General description

The unit measures and displays the characteristics of three phase four wires(3p4w) supplies, including voltage, frequency, current, power, active and reactive energy, imported or exported. Energy is measured in terms of kWh, kVArh. Maximum demand current can be measured over preset periods of up to 60minutes. In order to measure energy, the unit requires voltage and current inputs in addition to the supply required to power the product. The requisite current input(s) are obtained via current transformers (CT). This power sensor can be configured to work with a wide range of CTs with 0.33V output, giving the unit a wide range of operation. Built-in interfaces provide pulse and RS485 Modbus RTU outputs. Configuration is password protected. This power sensor can be powered from a separate auxiliary (AC or DC) supply. Alternatively, it can be powered from the monitored supply, where appropriate.

Technical specifications

Technical Data
Operating Humidity ≤ 75%
Storage Humidity ≤ 95%
Operating Temperature -25°C - +50°C
Storage Temperature -40°C - +70°C
Mounting DIN rail (DIN 43880)
Sealing IP51 Indoor
Auxiliary supply voltage Nominal ± 1%
Auxiliary supply frequency Nominal ± 1%
Frequency 50Hz or 60Hz(±2%)
Power Consumption ≤ 10W
Voltage, Current 0.5%
Frequency 0.2% of Mid-Frequency
Power Factor 1% of Unity (0.01)
Active Power, Apparent Power ± 1% of Range Maximum
Reactive Power ± 1% of Range Maximum
Reactive Energy (Varh) ± 1% of Range Maximum
Active Energy (Wh) Class 1 IEC 62053-21
Current transformer
Frequency 50-60 Hz
Rated current 50 A
Accuracy from 20% to 120% of rated current
Phase angle less than 2 degrees at 50% of rated current
Insulation voltage 600 VAC
Maximum primary voltage 5000 VAC (insulated conductor)
Dielectric strength 2.5 kV/1mA/1min
Operating temperature -15 to 60°C
Operating humidity < 85 %
Case material PC/UL94-V0
Bobin PBT
Core Permalloy
Internal structure Epoxy
Leads UL 1015, Twisted pair, 22 AWG
Bus Type RS485 (Semi-Duplex)
Protocol Modbus RTU
Baud Rate 1200/2400/4800/9600bps
Address Range 1-247
Max. Bus Loading 64pcs
Communication Distance 1000 Meters
Data Bit 8
Stop Bit 1



en/hiq_hw/pm3-e-d.1669799843.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/30 09:17 by gdzampo